Publications [under construction]



Nocebo hyperalgesia and other expectancy-related factors in daily fibromyalgia pain: Combining experimental and electronic diary methods. | Journal Of Psychosomatic Research -

Karacaoglu, M., Peerdeman, K. J., Karch, J. D., Van Middendorp, H., & Evers, A. W. M. (2024)

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Efficacy of open-label counterconditioning for reducing nocebo effects on pressure pain | European Journal of Pain - 10.1002/ejp.2112.

Meijer, S., Karacaoglu, M., van Middendorp, H., Veldhuijzen, D.S., Jensen, K.B., Peerdeman, K.J., & Evers, A.W.M. (2023)

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Susceptibility to Nocebo Hyperalgesia, Dispositional Optimism, and Trait Anxiety as Predictors of Nocebo Hyperalgesia Reduction. | The Clinical Journal of Pain - 10.1097/AJP.0000000000001112.

Karacaoglu, M., Meijer, S., Peerdeman, K.J., Dusseldorp, E., Jensen, K.B., Veldhuijzen, D.S., van Middendorp, H., Evers, A.W.M. (2023)

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Psychological Distress and Self-Management in CKD: A Cross-Sectional Study. | Kidney Medicine -

Cardol, C. K., Meuleman, Y., Van Middendorp, H., Van Der Boog, P. J., Hilbrands, L. B., Navis, G., Sijpkens, Y. W., Sont, J. K., Evers, A. W. M., & Van Dijk, S. (2023)

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The Optimal Learning Cocktail for Placebo Analgesia: A Randomized Controlled Trial Comparing Individual and Combined Techniques. | The Journal of Pain - 10.1016/j.jpain.2023.07.009.

Van Lennep, J.H.P.A., van Middendorp, H., Veldhuijzen, D.S., Peerdeman K.J., Blythe J.S., Thomaidou, M.A., Heyman, T., Evers, A.W.M. (2023)

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Nocebo Hyperalgesia in Patients With Fibromyalgia and Healthy Controls: An Experimental Investigation of Conditioning and Extinction Processes at Baseline and 1-Month Follow-up. | The journal of pain -

Karacaoglu, M., Peerdeman, K. J., Numans, M. E., Stolk, M. R., Meijer, S., Klinger, R., Veldhuijzen, D. S., van Middendorp, H., & Evers, A. W. M. (2023)

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Integrating Placebo Effects in General Practice: A Cross-Sectional Survey to Investigate Perspectives From Health Care Professionals in the Netherlands | Frontiers in Psychiatry, 12 - doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2021.768135.

Smits, R., Veldhuijzen, D.S., Van Middendorp, H., Van Der Heijden, M.J.E., Van Dijk, M. & Evers, A.W.M. (2022).

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Increasing Effectiveness of a Physical Activity Smartphone Intervention With Positive Suggestions: Randomized Controlled Trial | Journal of Medical Internet Research - doi:10.2196/32130.

Skvortsova, A., Cohen Rodrigues, T., De Buisonjé, D., Kowatsch, T., Santhanam, P., Veldhuijzen, D.S., Van Middendorp, H., & Evers, A.W.M. (2022)

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Counterconditioning as Treatment to Reduce Nocebo Effects in Persistent Physical Symptoms: Treatment Protocol and Study Design. | Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 1-11. - doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.806409.

Meijer, S., van Middendorp, H., Peerdeman K.J. & Evers A.W.M. (2022).

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Conditioning of the Cortisol Awakening Response: Study Protocol | JMIR Preprints - 10.2196/38087.

Wolters, F., van Middendorp, H., van den Bergh, O., Biermasz, N.R., Meijer, O.C. & Evers, A.W.M. (2022)

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Expectancies as predictors of symptom improvement after antimicrobial therapy for persistent symptoms attributed to Lyme disease. | Clinical Rheumatology -

van Middendorp, H., Berende, A., Vos, F.J., Ter Hofstede, H.H.M., Kullberg, B.J., & Evers, A.W.M. (2021)

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Predicting health-related quality of life in dialysis patients: Factors related to negative outcome expectancies and social support. | Patient Education and Counseling - doi:10.1016/j.pec.2020.11.019.

Tommel, J., Evers, A.W.M., Van Hamersvelt, H.W., Jordens, R., Van Dijk, S., Hilbrands, L.B., & Van Middendorp, H. (E-HELD Study Group). (2021).

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Case-control study of patient characteristics, knowledge of the COVID-19 disease, risk behaviour and mental state in patients visiting an emergency room with COVID-19 symptoms in the Netherlands. | PLOS ONE - 10.1371/journal.pone.0249847.

Van der Valk, J.P.M., Heijboer, F.W.J., Van Middendorp, H., Evers, A.W.M., & In ’t Veen, J.C.C.M. (2021)

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Explaining placebo effects in an online survey study: Does ‘Pavlov’ ring a bell? | PLoS One, 16, e0247103 - 10.1371/journal.pone.0247103.

Smits, R.M., Veldhuijzen, D.S., Olde Hartman, T., Peerdeman, K.J., Van Vliet, L.M., Van Middendorp, H., Rippe, R.C.A., Wulffraat, N.M., & Evers, A.W.M. (2021)

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Placebo effects in low back pain; a systematic review and meta‐analysis of the literature | European Journal of Pain - 10.1002/ejp.1811.

van Lennep, J. P. A., Trossèl, F., Perez, R. S. G. M., Otten, R. H. J., van Middendorp, H., Evers, A. W. M., & Szadek, K. M. (2021).

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Associations Between Interindividual Differences, Expectations and Placebo and Nocebo Effects in Itch | Frontiers in Psychology, 12 - 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.781521.

Meeuwis, S. H., van Middendorp, H., Veldhuijzen, D. S., & Evers, A.W.M. (2021)

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Open- and Closed-Label Placebo and Nocebo Suggestions About a Sham Transdermal Patch. | Psychosomatic Medicine - doi:10.1097/PSY.0000000000000862.

Meeuwis, S.H., Van Middendorp, H., Lavrijsen, A., Veldhuijzen, D.S., & Evers, A.W.M. (2021)

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Pharmacological conditioning in the treatment of recent-onset rheumatoid arthritis : A randomized controlled trial study protocol | Trials 21(1): 15 - 10.1186/s13063-019-3777-6.

Manaï M. Van Middendorp H. Veldhuijzen D.S. Van der Pol J.A. Huizinga T.W.J. Evers A.W.M. (2020)

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Placebo and nocebo effects for itch and itch-related immune outcomes: a systematic review of animal and human studies | Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 113: 325-337 - 10.1016/j.neubiorev.2020.03.025.

Meeuwis S.H. Van Middendorp H. Van Laarhoven A.I.M. Van Leijenhorst C. Pacheco-Lopez G. Lavrijsen A.P.M. Veldhuijzen D.S. Evers A.W.M. (2020)

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Effects of oxytocin on placebo and nocebo effects in a pain conditioning paradigm: a randomized controlled trial | The Journal of Pain 21(3-4): 430-439 - 10.1016/j.jpain.2019.08.010.

Skvortsova A. Veldhuijzen D.S. Van Middendorp H. Colloca L. Evers A.W.M. (2020)

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Optimizing healthy food preferences by serious gaming | Psychology & Health 35(4): 405-424 - 10.1080/08870446.2019.1675657.

Schakel, L., Veldhuijzen, D.S., Manaï, M., Van Beugen, S., Van der Vaart, R., Van Middendorp, H., Evers, A.W.M. (2020)

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Effects of oxytocin administration and conditioned oxytocin on brain activity: An fMRI study | PLoS ONE 15(3): e0229692 - 10.1371/journal.pone.0229692.

Skvortsova, A., Veldhuijzen, D.S., De Rover, M., Pacheco-Lopez, G., Bakermans-Kranenburg, M., Van IJzendoorn, M., Chavannes, N.H. ,Van Middendorp, H., Evers, A.W.M. (2020)

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Placebo Effects in the Neuroendocrine System: Conditioning of the Oxytocin Responses | Psychosomatic Medicine 82(1): 47-56 - 10.1097/PSY.0000000000000759.

Skvortsova, A.; Veldhuijzen, D.S.; Pacheco-Lopez, G.; Bakermans-Kranenburg, M.; IJzendoorn, M. van; Smeets, M.A.M.; Wilderjans, T.F.; Dahan, A.; Bergh, O. van den; Chavannes, N.H.; Wee, N.J.A. van der; Grewen, K.M.; Middendorp, H. van & Evers, A.W.M. (2020)

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Pharmacological conditioning for juvenile idiopathic arthritis: a potential solution to reduce methotrexate intolerance | Pediatric Rheumatology 18: e12 - 10.1186/s12969-020-0407-5.

Smits R.M., Veldhuijzen D.S., Van Middendorp H., Muller P.C.E.H., Armbrust W., Legger E., Wulffraat N.M. & Evers A.W.M. (2020)

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Conditioning cortisol in healthy young women – A randomized controlled trial | Psychoneuroendocrinology, 124, 105081 - 10.1016/j.psyneuen.2020.105081.

Tekampe, J., van Middendorp, H., Biermasz, N. R., Sweep, F. C. G. J., Meijer, O. C., Pelsma, I. C. M., Pereira, A. M., Hermus, A. R. M. M., & Evers, A. W. M. (2020)

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Effectiveness of stress-reducing interventions on the response to challenges to the immune system: a meta-analytic review | Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 88(5), 274-286 - 10.1159/000501645.

Schakel, L., Veldhuijzen, D.S., Crompvoets, P.I., Bosch, J.A., Cohen, S., van Middendorp, H., Joosten, S.A., Ottenhoff, T.H.M., Visser, L.G., & Evers, A.W.M. (2019)

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Can verbal suggestions strengthen the effects of a relaxation intervention? | PLoS ONE, 14(8): e0220112 - 10.1371/journal.pone.0220112.

Schakel, L., Veldhuijzen, D.S., Van Middendorp, H., Manai, M., Meeuwis, S.H., Van Dessel, P., & Evers, A.W.M. (2019)

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Conditioned hormonal responses: a systematic review in animals and humans | Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology, 52, 206-218 -

Skvortsova, A., Veldhuijzen, D.S., Kloosterman, I.E.M., Meijer, O.C., Van Middendorp, H., Pacheco-Lopez, G., & Evers, A.W.M. (2019)

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Conditioning cortisol in humans: Design and pilot study of a randomized controlled trial | Pilot and Feasibility Studies, 5: 9 - 10.1186/s40814-018-0382-5.

Tekampe, J., Van Middendorp, H., Sweep, F.C.G.J., Roerink, S.H.P.P., Hermus, A.R.M.M., & Evers, A.W.M. (2019)

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Antipruritic placebo effects by conditioning H1-antihistamine | Psychosomatic Medicine, 81(9), 841-850 - 10.1097/PSY.0000000000000743.

Meeuwis, S.H., van Middendorp, H., Pacheco-Lopez, G., Ninaber, M.K., Lavrijsen, A.P.M., van der Wee, N., Veldhuijzen, D.S., & Evers, A.W.M. (2019)

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How to prevent, minimize, or extinguish nocebo effects in pain: A narrative review on mechanisms, predictors, and interventions. | Pain Reports, 4(3), e699 - 10.1097/PR9.0000000000000699.

Manaï, M., Van Middendorp, H., Veldhuijzen, D.S., Huizinga, T.W.J., & Evers, A.W.M. (2018)

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Placebo effects of open-label verbal suggestions on itch. | Acta Dermato-Venereologica, 98(2), 268-274 - 10.2340/00015555-282.

Meeuwis, S.H., Van Middendorp, H., Veldhuijzen, D.S., Van Laarhoven, A.I.M., De Houwer, J., Lavrijsen, A.P.M., & Evers, A.W.M. (2018)

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Expectations about the effectiveness of pain- and itch-relieving medication administered via different routes | European Journal of Pain, 22, 774-783 - 10.1002/ejp.1163 *joint first authorship.

Peerdeman, K.J.*, Tekampe, J.*, van Laarhoven, A.I.M., van Middendorp, H., Rippe, R.C.A., Peters, M.L., & Evers, A.W.M. (2018)

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Enhancing placebo effects in somatic symptoms through oxytocin | Psychosomatic Medicine, 80(4), 353-360 - 10.1097/PSY.0000000000000571.

Skvortsova, A., Veldhuijzen, D.S., Van Middendorp, H., Van den Bergh, O., & Evers, A.W.M. (2018)

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Stress and sensitization in chronic pain | In P. Karoly & G. Crombez, Motivational Perspectives on Chronic Pain: Theory, Research and Practice (Chapter 5). New York: Oxford University Press. ISBN: 9780190627898 - .

Veldhuijzen, D.S., Van Middendorp, H., & Evers, A.W.M. (2018)

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