Publications [under construction]



Learned nocebo effects on cutaneous sensations of pain and itch: A systematic review and meta-analysis of experimental behavioral studies on healthy humans | Psychosomatic Medicine - 10.1097/PSY.0000000000001194.

Thomaidou, M.A., Blythe, J.S., Peerdeman, K.J., van Laarhoven, A.I.M., Van Schothorst, M.M.E., Veldhuijzen, D.S., & Evers, A.W.M. (2023)

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The Optimal Learning Cocktail for Placebo Analgesia: A Randomized Controlled Trial Comparing Individual and Combined Techniques. | The Journal of Pain - 10.1016/j.jpain.2023.07.009.

Van Lennep, J.H.P.A., van Middendorp, H., Veldhuijzen, D.S., Peerdeman K.J., Blythe J.S., Thomaidou, M.A., Heyman, T., Evers, A.W.M. (2023)

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Placebo effects on cutaneous pain and itch: a systematic review and meta-analysis of experimental results and methodology | PAIN - 10.1097/j.pain.0000000000002820.

Blythe, J.S, Thomaidou, M.A., Peerdeman, K.J., van Laarhoven, A.I.M., van Schothorst, M.M.E., Veldhuijzen, D.S., & Evers, A.W.M. (2022)

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A randomized pharmacological fMRI trial investigating d-cycloserine and brain plasticity mechanisms in learned pain responses. | Scientific Reports -

Thomaidou, M.A., Blythe, J.S., Veldhuijzen, D.S., Peerdeman, K.J., van Lennep, J.H.P.A, Giltay, E.J., Cremers, H.R., Evers, A.W.M. (2022)

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How Negative Experience Influences the Brain: A Comprehensive Review of the Neurobiological Underpinnings of Nocebo Hyperalgesia | Frontiers in neuroscience, 15, 326 - 10.3389/fnins.2021.652552.

Thomaidou, M. A., Peerdeman, K. J., Koppeschaar, M. I., Evers, A. W., & Veldhuijzen, D. S. (2021)

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Temporal structure of brain oscillations predicts learned nocebo responses to pain | Scientific Reports - doi:10.1038/s41598-021-89368-0.

Thomaidou, A.M., Blythe, J.S., Houtman, S.J., Veldhuijzen, D.S., Van Laarhoven, A., & Evers, A.W.M. (2021).

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An experimental investigation into the mediating role of pain-related fear in boosting nocebo hyperalgesia | PAIN - doi:10.1097/j.pain.0000000000002017.

Thomaïdou, A.M., Veldhuijzen, D.S., Meulders, A. & Evers, A.W.M. (2021)

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Learning mechanisms in nocebo hyperalgesia: the role of conditioning and extinction processes | PAIN 161(7): 1597-1608 - 10.1097/j.pain.0000000000001861.

Thomaidou, M.A.; Veldhuijzen, D.S.; Peerdeman, K.J.; Wiebing, N.Z.S.; Blythe, J.S. & Evers, A.W.M. (2020)

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